322 Anak Ranting PDIP in Marga District was Inaugurate and Sworn

  • 05 Februari 2017
  • 21:07 WITA
  • News

322 sub small branch PDIP in Marga District was inaugurate and sworn on Sunday, January 5,2017 in Serba Guna Hall, Marga Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency.

Present at the inauguration of the Governing Board of the Central Executive PDIP, I Made Urip, the Regional Leadership Council PDIP Bali I Ketut Suryadi, Chairman of the DPC PDIP Tabanan I  K G Sanjaya, Nyoman Adi Wiryatama PDIP politician who is also the chairman of the Bali Provincial Parliament.

I Made Urip as caretaker PDIP advised that while maintaining the compactness both externally and internally Party. "Communication should be built on all fronts in the interest of the party for the future," he explained.RRBNC

