Regent Eka, Report LKPJ APBD 2016 in Parliament of Tabanan

  • 07 April 2017
  • 23:03 WITA
  • News
The Regent of Tabanan Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti report  Accountability Reports (LKPJ)  Tabanan Budget 2016  at Parliament of Tabanan on Friday April 7, 2017.

Regent Eka explained that the development theme Tabanan regency in 2016, namely "Stimulating the Upstream Sector to Increase Village Based Economic Democracy".
It is very much in line with the economic populist who wants to create the economy that comes from the major potential of Tabanan, namely Agriculture. Meanwhile, to give a chance to tabanan people participate in democratic economy, should be moved from the smallest administrative territorial units, the Village.

Related to the budget 2016, the Regent Eka explained about the three points, namely revenues, expenditures Regional and Local Funding
Realized revenues in 2016 amounted to RP. 1791935801153.52 (1.79 Trillion Rupiah more) or 93.59%. Of the target set at RP. 1914766565899.32 (1.9 Trillion Rupiah more. Actual Regional Shopping 2016 Rp. 1872034476159.93 (1.8 trillion rupiah, or about 90.84% of the total expenditure of Rp. 2,060 .891.636.640,44 (2 trillion rupiahs).

She explained spending policy to fund flagship programs such as the Movement for Community Economic Development (the Golden Gate Dressage), Gate Tourism Dressage, Program Participatory Infrastructure, Surgical Home and Shop, Activity Compensation Death, Enterprise Aquaculture, free program Cervical Cancer, Development of Agricultural Product Processing , BUMDes Development, Improvement of Agricultural Production, Human Resources  Training, Capital farmer groups and SMEs, Food Security, Education, Health and Public Services. As for the total area of financing net financing realization in 2016 of Rp. 146,569,394,947.00 (146 billion rupiah) or approximately 100.30% of the total financing of the fiscal year 2016 amounting to Rp. 146,125,070,741.12 (146 billion rupiah). RRBNC

