Regent Eka Pray in Puseh Temple, Baru Custom Village

  • 14 Oktober 2017
  • 18:10 WITA
  • News
The Regent of Tabanan Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti pray in Puseh Temple Baru Custom Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency on Saturday, October 14, 2017.  She present in Puseh Temple Baru Custom village  attend ceremony of Karya Agung Ngeteg Linggih Padudusan Agung, Ngusaba  Desa, Ngusaba Nini, Mepeselang, Lan Tawur Pedanan, in Bale Agung Temple, Baru Custom Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency.

Chairman of The Committee, I Ketut Sukantha said, this program has begun on 27 August, and will end on 28 October. The peak of the event will take place on 17 October.
He said for this ceremony every head of family  charged 1 million rupiah, and also contribution per reef of 2 million rupiah. His side did not forget to thank all those who have helped the implementation of this ceremony.

"Thank you to the Regent of Eka, Mr. Adi, and all those who have attended and also helped us. We hope this communication and good relationship can be maintained, and we pray for the smooth development in our village, "he added. RRBNC

