Governor Koster: Free Wi-Fi at 4000 Support Points for the Industrial Revolution 4.0

  • 11 April 2019
  • 13:26 WITA
  • News, Jembrana 
The installation of free Wi-Fi facilities to all indigenous villages in Bali which was formally announced by the Governor of Bali Wayan Koster is expected to stimulate the creativity of young people and inspire a populist economy.
The Head of Custom Village Dauh Waru, I Nengah Rinata said that he  strongly supports free wifi programs.  Rinata, hopes that the community, especially Sekaa Teruna Teruni in their environment, can take advantage of this free wifi facility by coming to visit and accessing important sites. "Today's young generation are already familiar with the internet, accustomed to asking (searching for information) various things on Google ," Rinata explained. Therefore, Rinata hopes that the existence of this facilitated internet access facility can have a positive impact on local residents.
In fact, Rinata hopes that in the future the provision of free Wi-Fi facilities can be added considering that some traditional villages have a wide area and a large number of manners. The Governor can add (point) Wi-Fi because of the wide range of villages. He added free WiFi access is also expected to be used by business man  to market their craft products, so they can penetrate the global market. "So basically it can improve the local economy," he hoped.
As reported previously, Governor Koster said the launch of the free Wi-fi point will soon spread to all the traditional villages in Bali. "All the traditional villages will have free Wi-Fi installed. With the access of free Wi-Fi, I hope that it can be utilized as well as possible to strengthen the community order. For Wantilan to be 'Balinese Culture Meeting Point'," Koster said.
In addition, the Governor also hopes that Wi-Fi access can help improve the economy, tourism, strengthen culture, health and knowledge in accordance with local potential and global insights and the dynamics of the era, "he said. 
According to the Chairman of the DPD PDI Perjuangan Bali this information infrastructure is the first step in realizing '' Bali Smart Island ''. "Access to free Wi-Fi is expected to be able to touch all components of the community, be it customary villages, tourism objects, health centers, or schools both from elementary to high school / vocational level. To support the 4.0 industrial revolution, supporting Bali's New Era, "Koster added. Koster hopes that later there will be equal distribution of information access and equitable development for all Balinese people, especially in traditional villages.
The installation of free internet service itself has been carried out since November 2018. For the 2019 there has been budgeted installation of Wifi as many as 1,825 access points. Of the total number will be installed in Wantilan Desa Adat, a number of 1,371 access points, 107 health centers access points, Tourism Objects 203 access points, SMA / SMK / SLB 132 access points, Public Area with 12 access points. So that later in the year 2020 it is targeted that all Custom Village and all other public facilities totaling 4,157 units can be installed as a whole Wifi access. ( / Amo Bali ). 

