Governor Koster Affirms Development Must Be Based On Local Wisdom

  • 31 Juli 2019
  • 12:09 WITA
  • News, Denpasar

The Governor of Bali, Wayan Koter, emphasized that the reform of the development system should be based on local wisdom. Moreover, specifically for Bali, art and culture have fused in all the joints of Balinese life. So that this cultural art can become an important capital in the development of local wisdom-based.

Therefore, Balinese arts and culture must be managed from upstream to downstream. In that context, the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Denpasar has an important and strategic role. This was conveyed by the Governor of Bali Wayan Koster when giving a speech at the Senate Open Session of the Indonesian Art Institute of Denpasar in the Context of the XVI Anniversary at the ISI Campus Denpasar, Wednesday (July 31, 2019).

The role, according to Governor Koster, is to carry out a mission in accordance with the main tasks and functions as stipulated in the law. This is because the ISI Denpasar is part of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture's institution. "Not only that, so that what becomes the vision of the ministry assigned by the ministry is linked to regional interests," Governor Koster said.

He said the ISI has an important role in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which consists of education, research and community service. While on the other hand the Bali Provincial Government has the priority of implementing the vision of Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali through the Pattern of Development of the Universe.

For this reason, Governor Koster has designed various programs to improve the existence of art and culture. Among them are giving scholarships to students, and at the same time cooperating with students in synergy with the Bali Provincial Government in an effort to empower the community.

Then as a commitment to involve universities, Governor Koster plans to provide management of the Art Center to ISI Denpasar so that it can be fully utilized.

ISI Denpasar Chancellor Prof. Dr. I Gede Arya Sugiartha, S.SKar., M.Hum in his report said the strongness of logocentric notions led to changes such as the practice of art which tended to ignore traditional values.

Apart from that the influence of market capitalism causes commodification extensively so that the artistic life is more towards the process of seeking material value added. "Art is used as an object of political exploitation and even outside interests that are not in line with the nature of art itself," he said.

He added that in order to realize the ideals of 'glorifying cultural arts towards a glorious Indonesia', ISI Denpasar has carried out routine programs in the fields of education, research, creation, community service and cooperation.

Prof. Sardono Waluyo in his scientific speech said that Bali through art and culture has strong capital to realize sustainable tourism. This is what other regions in Indonesia must realize that are trying to develop the tourism industry so that it is not pushed by tourism itself.

According to him caring for locality is an important thing in today's era. "Creative industries are opportunities, regions need to not only care for knowledge, but also innovation incubators that give birth to creative industries that are able to compete internationally," he said. ( / Amo Bali )

