Commemorating Puputan Margarana, Cok Ace Invites to Emulate the Spirit Togetherness in Difference

  • 20 November 2019
  • 21:40 WITA
  • News, Tabanan

Commemorating the services of the heroes who died in the Puputan War on November 20, 1946 in Marga Village, Marga District, Tabanan every year is now celebrated as Margarana Puputan Day.

At the peak of the 73rd Puputan Day commemoration in 2019 was marked by the implementation of the ceremony and sowing of flowers led by Vice Governor of Bali Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardana Sukawati, Wednesday (November 20, 2019) at the Margarana  Nation Park, Tabanan.

In his remarks to the participants of the ceremony, Vice Governor Cok Ace said that the struggle and selfless sacrifice of the heroes, in the heroic event Puputan Margarana deserves to be an example and role model by all components of society in the current era, in filling Independence to achieve a prosperous Republic of Indonesia, fair and prosperous.

"Many things can be emulated from past historical events, one of which is togetherness in various differences. We may differ in the duties and functions of each, but should be together in realizing social welfare, "Vice Governor Cok Ace explained as Inspector of Ceremony.

"The theme that was raised" With the Spirit of Puputan Margarana We Grow and Develop Heroes of the Present ", is very precise and relevant, reminding us that historical values ​​of bellows must continue to be developed and transformed in the Present Era to give birth to today's heroes," he added.

Reflecting on the concept of the value of past struggles that are adapted to the concepts of development in the present, then through the momentum of commemorating the Puputan Margarana Day this time, Deputy Governor Cok Ace invites all of the Balinese manners to continue to foster and increase a sense of social solidarity with the spirit and values ​​inspired by noble values ​​of heroism to realize the welfare of the Balinese people with the Vision, Mission and Development Program of Bali 2018-2023 "NANGUN SATKERTHI LOKA BALI" Through the Pattern of Universe Planning. "We make this historical momentum as the basis for success in the development of the Bali Region within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," Vice Governor Cok Ace concluded.

The commemoration this time was also filled with various activities, including the awarding of trophies, certificates and gifts, Mepeed ceremonies by the villagers of Kelaci, Marga, Laying of Wreaths by the Inspector of Ceremony and sowing of flowers, as well as the opening of the Development Exhibition by the Vice Governor of Bali, and  visit to the People's Party stand. (

